Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Can 2 become 1?

In red earth and pouring rain (which in itself is almost like a series of fictional stories- given that it's a story about people telling stories), the final episode deals with a homecoming. A young man, somewhat conflicted about his roots and his future returns to India with an American education and an American girlfriend who is no less similarly conflicted. He seemed to have cut himself off, but then decides he wants to come home. She comes with him- both seemingly very much in love. But then, very soon, the differences- the subtle, the obvious, the in your face in her new environment drive her to go back.

There is no moral result here, not even a rational one. 'tis not that two conflicted humans do not a happy pair make. Nor is it that a person must return to his origins and that's where he belongs.

The trouble is- it's real. The situation is very real and it's entirely believable that it would play out that way. The discomfitures for her are real in her new environment as is his guilt, longing and sadness in being divorced from his past. So the question is, where can the 2 survive as 1? Always in limbo?

There is a sequence in The Matrix where Neo ends up at a train station. This is a train station between 2 worlds and it's name is Mobil, an anagram for limbo.

This was a digression, maybe unnecessary, but I was trying to make a point about the 2 being able to stay together in happiness only when in a state of limbo, when they are in an ephemeral hazy drug induced cloud colored dream. Snap out of it, own up to what you want to, pitch in for what you believe in- what gives you your self- and then the 2 are no longer 1.

So is this just them or is it all of us? Is love situational- dependent on an external environment only? Hopefully not.

Maybe love is the state of being in limbo itself and the real question is- how long can you suspend yourself?

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